not [just] for the ivory tower
“Cool Anthropology — and cool anthropology — encompasses aspects of what might be termed public anthropology, engaged anthropology, or even applied or community driven anthropology. While we are in the mindset, in the spirit of anthropology’s roots in holism, of not needing to label or place these projects under one descriptor, we acknowledge that we all owe intellectual and practical debt to those who have carved these different spaces represented by these labels. We embrace Haugerud’s 2016 definition “public anthropology… encompass[es] knowledge production by professional anthropologists that is intended to reach beyond disciplinary specialists, and usually beyond the academy” but push against the exclusivity of “knowledge production” by professionals asking ourselves how engaging communities as both producers and consumers of academic research helps us not just share anthropology better, but also do anthropology better.” (Baines + Costa)

Learn how to move your research beyond the discipline in 14 case studies written by leading anthropologists + their community partners.
Published by The University of Toronto Press
Featuring the founders of Cool Anthropology, SAPIENS, Anthropology Now + PopAnth, and renowned public scholars like Agustín Fuentes, Daniel Lende + Krista Harper, and chapters on virtual reality, feature film, art, graphic ethnography + more!
Learn more about our authors and check out some of their work @ our digital companion.